Archival Field Trips
to Explore Latin Texts by Women
Let your students experience the vast array of women's Latin
in local libraries, museums, and archives.
Guided, custom-made field trips to Harvard's Houghton Library and Yale University's Beinecke Library offer a hands-on, behind-the-scenes approach to women's Latin.
Currently accepting bookings for the 2024-2025 school year
Send me a message here to reserve your field trip!

Build on what they know
Two students from Dana Hall School look for familiar passages from Virgil's Aeneid in an early printed edition of a fourth-century poem by Faltonia Proba.
Houghton Library, Harvard University

... and inspire fresh perspectives
A class from Miss Porters' School compares seventeenth-century Latin documents advocating for women's education to Yale publications for its first women graduates from the 1970s
Beinecke Library, Yale University